So PAX east 2014 has come and gone, and with it, all semblance of sleep and a regular day pattern. I spent all three days hanging out at the con, and thought I'd share some of my thoughts on what I saw there.
So the reason I'm calling this the year of the MOBA is that alot of the big name games there this year were MOBAs. League of legends were of course there, with a massive booth in the corner of the expo hall. Blizzard was there as well, showing of Heroes of the Storm and the new WoW expansion, Warlords of Draenor. The new orcs must die game was also a MOBA, and a new one called Dawngate had signs all over, and gave out free beta codes in every swag bag at PAX. Along with that, we also got new cards against humanity packs, league of legends skins and even some pwnmeal (oatmeal holding the cards against humanity packs) and some other small items we could now use. There were some other big name games there this year, including the new Wolfenstein, The evil Inside, Battlemage Lickdom and of course, Wildstar.
Alas, I did not get a chance to play many of the big name titles, as the lines for the expo halls were long, and I did not get in early enough. I did see one game that looked very interesting, a new RTS called Grey Goo, but the section of the con they were in kept dropping power, so I did not get a chance to play it either. I did get to play the new orcs must die, which was alot of fun, and some indie games along the sides.
Honestly, this year was mostly me catching up with some good friends, seeing a few panels (one run by my new friend Ben, who gave a good panel on how to be a better GM) and of course, meeting new people in the lines, playing some tabletop games and just enjoying the overall atmosphere. Looking forward to next year, where I hope to post a day by day synopsis.
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